Live - Work - Be Free

Our designs are modern, classic and never compromise on quality.


One person alone cannot solve climate change, but together we can make a big difference if we all make small changes. Philbert cares deeply about the environment and we incorporate sustainability into everything we do.

Philbert's story

Nille Philbert decided in 2015, after experiencing various everyday problems with the use of IT, to develop something unique, revolutionary, environmentally friendly and functional for IT accessories and to spot new trends in the IT world.

Low prices for worldwide delivery

Low prices for worldwide delivery

We strive to provide the best service

We strive to provide the best service

New and unique environmentally friendly products

New and unique environmentally friendly products

Before / After

Screen Shades presents the market's first patented 4-in-1 solution that combines: Sun shielding: Screens for sunlight, so you can use the screen outdoors without losing visibility. Data protection: The screen protects your data against visual interference, so that only the person sitting directly in front of the screen can see the content. Heat protection: Helps lower the temperature of the screen, which extends the life and keeps the device cool. Contrast Enhancement: Increases contrast for clearer colors and sharper details. With a before-and-now picture, you can see the difference, where Screen Shades significantly improve the screen experience, both indoors and outdoors.
Image after
Image before
Image after Image before